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Nutritional Counseling

If your adult dog or cat is healthy, you may have chosen a pet food based simply on whether or not your pet will eat it. Cost may also play a factor in your decision. However, not all pet foods are equal. And feeding the right amount is not as simple as following the directions on the package (they’re just guidelines). Choosing an appropriate diet can set your pet on a path of lifelong good nutrition and help prevent many problems, including allergies, nutritional deficiencies, skin and coat disorders, and obesity. Nutritional requirements for dogs and cats vary depending on a variety of factors, including age, breed, and health. For instance, senior pets have different requirements than puppies or kittens, and animals with diabetes, kidney disease, and other health conditions can benefit from specific diets. Our veterinarians can help you make informed decisions about your pet’s diet. We can counsel you on which foods will be appropriate based on your pet’s needs and your financial considerations, how much to feed, and even how to decode pet food labels. We can create a nutrition plan for your pet, and we can also work with owners to help their overweight pets get down to a healthy weight. Call us to set up a nutrition consultation for you and your pet.

Cats Only!


In January 2013 we made the decision to become a cat friendly practice. To do this we are taking steps to ensure cats get the specialized care they deserve. We have designated a cat specific exam room, hospital ward and are taking steps to help ensure the visit to our practice is a positive experience.


Weight Control Program


Although a few extra pounds may look cute, it can lead to many health problems for your pet, especially as they get older. Problems include: respiratory issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, liver disease, osteoarthritis, increased surgical anesthetic risk, lowered immune system function, and even cancer.

If you are interested in helping your pet shed the extra weight, our technicians can help!

With specific calculations we can help you figure out how many calories your pet should eat per day to achieve their ideal weight. Using this number, we can help you choose a diet that is appropriate for your pet. If you do not want to switch diets – we can work with that too.

Our ultimate goal is to achieve a healthy and controlled weight loss that does not leave your pet starving! Just like humans, every pet is different, so we will tailor each diet for your pet. We encourage weigh-ins every 1 or 2 months and will make adjustments at that time, if needed.

We also have recommendations and products to encourage exercise and slow eating. If interested, please call or email the clinic to book an appointment with one of our technicians.

We sometimes share our success stories on our facebook page.

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