When considering to add a puppy or kitten to your family there are many things to consider as a family before choosing new pet. It is easy to get excited, confused or even overwhelmed by the different breeds available. If you have any questions a quick call to our office and we can help answer some basic questions and get you started in the right direction.
Once you have chosen your new pet it is important to have them checked within the first week (or as recommended by the breeder) to ensure there are no underlying health concerns and to have their vaccinations updated. Both puppies and kitten need a series of vaccines just like children do. These booster need to be 21-28 days apart to ensure proper immunity. If you are unsure if your pet is up to date with all their vaccines please have all your paper work with you when you contact us.
At your new pets first appointment you are going to be overwhelmed with information. Please make sure to bring all the paper work you have received with him, as well as a list of questions or concerns your family may have. We will send you home with an information package, some food recommendations and the option of pet insurance trial.
If you have any questions before your next visit please do not hesitate to send us a quick email or give us a call, we are here to help.